Haumea Liʻi (little)ʻs ENERGY is similar to Haumea RosaLei. Except this style is smaller and is meant to be held during meditation or during your spiritual practices.
The darling focal and 26 (13 x2) beads supporting this beauty are:
- LAVA (for Pele) - 10mm
- Grounds you in the physical world and strengthenʻs connection to Mother Earth
- Gives strength and courage, allowing stability through times of change
- Provides guidance and understanding in situations where we may need to "bounce back"
- Element: Earth
- Chakra support: Root (1st)
- SMOKY QUARTZ Faceted - 10mm
- Represents power of the sacred, Divine Feminine – particularly in her most natural form
- Smoky Quartz focuses on the wild, untethered goddess energy, the wise woman and medicine women of the forest who have connected so deeply with Mother Nature that the two have almost become one
- Helps you to cut through illusions in life
- Centers energy, purges distractions from psychic world so you can focus on the physical, and removes negativity
- “Absorbs” bad vibrations of negative energy surrounding you, leaving the way clear for you to improve your life
- Helps you deal with even the toughest negative situations because it both draws out negativity so it’s not boiling under the surface anymore and also helps diffuse high levels of emotion and stress so that all involved parties can come to constructive solutions
- Supports you to reconnect with your body and Nature
- Element: Earth
- Chakra support: Root (1st)
- KEY WORDS: Grounding, transmutation of negative energies, practicality, organization, manifestation
- SODALITE Faceted - 8mm (for NAMAKA)
Unites logic with intuition and opens spiritual perception, bringing information from the higher mind to the physical level
- Stimulates pineal gland and third eye, deepens meditation
- Instills drive for truth and urge toward idealism, making it possible to remain true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs
Excellent stone for the mind, eliminates mental confusion and intellectual bondage
- Brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks
- Sodalite is one of the stones that bring shadow qualities up to the surface to be accepted without being judged
- Clears electromagnetic pollution
Element: Wind
Chakra support: Third Eye (6th)
KEY WORDS: Access to subconscious and intuitive abilities, enhanced insight and mental performance
GREEN AVENTURINE Faceted - 8mm (for HIʻIAKA)
Fertility, rebirth, enhances creativity
- Comforter and heart healer, emotional calm
Stone of optimism and zest for life
Helps one move forward with confidence into new situations
Stone of "good luck" and is recommended for those who wish to manifest greater prosperity
- Absorbs electronic smog and electric pollution
- Element: Water
- Chakra support: Heart (4th)
- KEY WORDS: Vitality, growth, confidence
AMETHYST Faceted - 8mm
Extremely powerful and protective stone with high spiritual vibration
Beneficial to the mind, calming or stimulating as appropriate
Promotes love of the Divine, giving insights into its true nature and encouraging selflessness and spiritual wisdom
Opens intuition and psychic gifts
- Blocks geopathic stress and negative environment energies
Element: Wind
- Chakra support: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)
- KEY WORDS: Protection, purification, Divine connection, release of addictions
- FLUORITE (multicolor)
- Highly protective (like our mamas), especially on a psychic level
- Helps you to discern when outside influences are at work within yourself and shuts off psychic manipulation and undue mental influence
- Cleanses and stabilizes aura
- Extremely effective against computer and electromagnetic stress
- Grounds and integrates spiritual energies
- Excellent learning aid
Physically assists balance and coordination
- Each one is unique and never the same
Element: Wind
Chakra support: ALL
- KEY WORDS: Mental enhancement and clarity, improved decision making, clearing energy fields
AZURITE Saucers/Rondelles
- Guides psychic and intuitive development
Urges the soul toward enlightenment
- Cleanses and stimulates the third eye and attunes to spiritual guidance
- Raises consciousness to a higher level and gives greater control over spiritual unfoldment
- Brings about clear understanding and new perspectives and expands the mind
- Releases long-standing blocks in communication and stimulates memory
- Challenges your view of reality and lets go of programmed belief systems to move into unknown without fear, reaching deeper insights and a ndw reality
- Clears stress, worry, grief and sadness, allowing more light into the emotions
- Element: Wind
- Chakra support: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)
- KEY WORDS: Insight, vision, intuition, intellect
- What brings me the most joy right now?
- What creative seeds want to be nurtured?
Geralynʻs manaʻo:
"What a delight to create this piece in honor of the Goddess Haumea and what she represents: fertility, rebirth and CREATION! With deep gratitude and respect for her powerful daughters were included in this design.
This baby version of the original Haumea is so sweet! I love holding her during meditation.
Also, this RosaLei is also a wonderful protection from EMFs!
I highly recommend you read Haumea RosaLeiʻs description where Emma Kupu Mitchell explains how powerful this prayer tool is. "
Created for and inspired by Emma Kupu Mitchell. Follow Emma and her Divine work to attain more guidance on how to use these beautiful talismans.
Crystal and gemstone wisdoms MAHALO to:
"The Crystal Bible" by Judy Hall
"The Book of Stones" by Robert Simmons
Disclaimer: All testimonials or description of gemstones, crystals or beads appearing on this website represent the individual views and positions. Consumers should not construe any information herein as medical advice or as a substitute for discussions with a prescribing practitioner or other qualified medical professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The recommended use of Aloha Rosaleis is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Always consult with a professional medical practitioner.
NOTE: Colors of Photo Images on our site
- Please keep in mind that due to lighting, the differences in individualʻs monitor settings, etc. there may be slight variations even though every effort is made to represent colors of the pieces as accurately as possible.