“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” – Mother Teresa
Collaboration and team work is instrumental to the success of anything.
I happily co-create with Divine Mother and other high vibe sentient beings like, Soul Guide - Emma Kupu Mitchell, who guides and assists me through my life journey.
What an absolute joy to create this supportive tool for the Divine pilgrimage that people take with her.
KUPU 33 is a bespoke prayer bead that embodies the energies of Emmaʻs birth (life) path and spiritual name.
It was birthed out of the need for a simple meditation tool, a daily ritual that supports, calms and generates clarity in a year of turbulence and overwhelm.
It is a touchstone that allows one to connect and hear the whispers of their soul. To trust in those whispers and live from a soul centered creative expression.
A simple yet powerful touchstone / talisman made up of gemstones that supports and holds the sacred master vibration of joy, light, self-love and creative expression (33):
- Chrysoprase -
- Chrysocolla
- Sodalite
KUPU 33ʻs intent is to:
- reduce stress, anxiety, overwhelm and self doubt
- increase calm and groundedness
- gain clarity
- boost creativity and soul awareness
- provide a simple daily self love meditation prayer practice
Surround yourself with the right people and tools to help you flourish and shine. Emma Kupu Mitchell and Kupu 33 are definitely in my mystical knapsack to assist in my fascinating journey called life.
"Kupu" is the Hawaiian spiritual name given to Emma in a vision quest from her beloved Kumu Karen. Her name means "to grow towards and with the light" (like the Kupu Kupu fern).
Disclaimer: All testimonials or description of gemstones, crystals or beads appearing on this website represent the individual views and positions. Consumers should not construe any information herein as medical advice or as a substitute for discussions with a prescribing practitioner or other qualified medical professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The recommended use of Aloha Rosaleis is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Always consult with a professional medical practitioner.